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154 Word Prayer
1 word for every year since Confederation.
We magnify the name of Jesus over Canada and declare that our trust is in You and You alone O Lord. We humble ourselves before You in repentance for our many grievous sins and plead Your Blood over our land. In this election, we pray You would cause us to elect candidates whose hearts are soft to Your will, who will stand for righteousness & who will have wisdom to govern Canada in these times. We pray that You would remove those who do not have Your heart, or wisdom, to govern Canada. For the sake of our children, and future generations, we ask that You would release great honour for Your Word upon all of Canada, that You would expose corruption in government and that You would convict Canadians from sea to sea to turn to You with all their hearts, souls, mind and strength. We thank You for Your mercy and grace. Amen.
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